The riders are judged on the same tests within each participating zone and country – and the results will be compiled by category, internationally and by country/zone – and published on the web site.
What is a Monthly International Qualifier?
MONTHLY INTERNATIONAL QUALIFIER is a competition where the riders will compete in their local city under IDDL rules, the competition will be judged by a FEI Judge and a National Judge.
Each test is recorded via video camera and in case the FEI Judge is unable to travel to the local qualifier, he/she may judge the competition via the recording of the competition.
Electronic score sheets with comments are made available to each rider.
IDDL is not just a riding competition... It is quality time with the families! On the picture. Riders and parents from BRF club with coach Beeya Vohra at the awards ceremony for 1IQ, 2016 at OREA, New Delhi.